Category: Teaching
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Real-time engagement, a real teacher and real progress – our new IELTS Preparation course

A soft launch for English for Business and Economics

Learning, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
Language acquisition the ELS way

Learning, People, studyFIT, Teaching
A collection of English Learning Support courses: the new kids on the block

Learning, People, studyFIT, Teaching
studyFIT releases a new bridging course: English Learning Support: Psychology

Events, Learning, People, Teaching
Aye, Robot: An invitation to a lecture on AI-human work in the metaverse

Events, Learning, People, Teaching
The English Café goes intercontinental: Ohio academic to take centre stage on 29 January

Learning, People, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
Rave reviews for the newly launched English for Humanities and Social Sciences course

Learning, Research, studyFIT, Teaching