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Events, People, Research, studyFIT
A second showing at the European First Year Experience conference
Learning, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
Language acquisition the ELS way
End of an era: Bidding goodbye to the Altissia study
Learning, People, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
Rave reviews for the newly launched English for Humanities and Social Sciences course
Learning, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
Pilot phase complete: Four studyFIT courses off to a flying start
Events, Learning, People, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
studyFIT’s successes shared at the European First Year Experience conference
Learning, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
Fuzzy culture, critical incidents and much else to ponder in the new studyFIT course in Intercultural Competence
Learning, Research, studyFIT, Teaching
It’s here! English for Humanities and Social Sciences
Events, Learning, People, Research, studyFIT, Teaching