Learning, Research, Teaching

Preliminary survey results published

It was in early March 2022 that we deployed a survey to learn about the English language competence of FernUni students. It wasn’t mere idle curiosity.  The survey findings are a key source of information in the ongoing design and development of language bridging courses for current and incoming students.  For example, we could have focused on intensive writing practice in the courses; however, barely ten percent of you have to submit theses or dissertations in English, whereas reading academic research articles is the lot of almost half of the respondents.  How much stock should be put in the survey?  In six months, 1210 of you responded, with 835 managing to complete the entire survey.  A summary of the survey findings is now available for your reading pleasure.   If you have any queries or if you would like to be notified when the final survey results are published, drop us a line at english@fernuni-hagen.de.


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