Events, Research

Meeting of minds – Breaking ground on our English for Specific Purposes courses

Are you enrolled in either the Faculty of Business & Economics or Humanities & Social Sciences?  Are you keen to have your say in the design of our new language bridging courses?  Two introductory webinars will be held at the end of April 2022, and students enrolled in these faculties are invited to participate.


After sharing some findings from our ongoing language survey and presenting an overview of the course concepts, we will open the floor for participants to chime in with their feedback and thoughts on the next steps forward.  If the response to our call for participants in the Altissia study is anything to go by, there is much demand for English Learning Support amongst FernUni students.  The bridging courses will ultimately be open to all students – from enrolment through to graduation – and will serve to boost students’ subject-specific competence in English.  What we have in the works are not your run-of-the mill Business English courses featuring a chapter on writing emails and another on booking flights.  Oh, no.  The content is based on curricular themes and texts, and it trains students in the reading, writing and listening skills needed to navigate the various instructional units in their FernUni English-language modules.

The webinars are tabled for:

Business & Economics (WIWI): Tuesday 26 April at 17.00-18.00

Humanities & Social Sciences (KSW): Wednesday 27 April at 17.00-18.00

If you would like to participate in a webinar or contribute to the development of either of these bridging courses, please send a brief email to


  1. Danke Engl. an der FU –
    Wann ist der nächste Kurs? für WiWi+KSW bitte,
    mit Zertifikat bitte.
    Dank vorab.
    Info bitte frühzeitig – vor Kursbeginn.
    Dank vorab.

  2. Comment by post author

    Prue Goredema

    Wir hoffen, bis zum Wintersemester 2022/23 eine erste Iteration dieser beiden Kurse entwickelt zu haben. Wir werden Sie auf jeden Fall über unsere Fortschritte auf dem Laufenden halten.

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