
FernUniversität in Hagen to mark German Diversity Day

A diverse online programme is in place for students and staff of the FernUni to participate in the tenth annual Germany Diversity Day on Tuesday 31 May 2022.  The campus Equal Opportunities Office (Referat Chancengerechtigkeit) has put together a programme that features talks by internal and external guests who will discuss different aspects of diversity as it pertains to higher education.  Studying with a disability or chronic illness; how the Centre for Learning and Innovation (ZLI) goes about tailoring instructional materials for the partially sighted or hard of hearing; balancing study, work and family commitments and seeking a degree having followed an unconventional academic path are just some of the topics to be discussed at the Diversity Day, between 10.00 and 17.30.  Striving towards equity in educational access is not mere lip service for the FernUni, for its stated mission since opening its doors in 1975 has been and continues to be “FernUni for all” (FernUni für alle).


One way to facilitate an easier entry into higher education is to offer language bridging courses for students whose English skills don’t quite cut muster for effective participation in their degree courses.  The English Learning Support Service is developing a series of digital courses, for deployment via Moodle, which will allow students of diverse language and educational backgrounds to catch up on the language, knowledge and skills they need to thrive in their FernUni studies.  A brief overview of the work in progress will be given in the International Office break-out room at the Diversity Day from 13.40 to 14.00 on the 31st of May.


The online event is the Hagen iteration of a nationwide celebration spearheaded by the Association Charta der Vielfalt e. V. which was founded in the last decade with the express aim of promoting “the recognition, appreciation and integration of diversity into Germany’s business culture.”  Thus, organisations who sign up should create and maintain a workplace that is bias-free.


To look in on the talks at the FernUni Diversity Day, visit the website here.

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