Learning, People, studyFIT

Coming soon: English for Business and Economics

It’s taken some time to produce the instructional videos and to create original learning materials, and now that we’re putting the finishing touches on the English Learning Support course for Business and Economics, it’s time to get the word out so that students interested in taking the course can plan ahead.

The Moodle-based course, which will be launched within the fortnight, is a self-paced one, so students need not feel pressured to race through all the content.  In all, one needs to dedicate at least 150 hours of elbow grease in order to get the most out of the course.

It ought to go without saying, but you don’t have to be a student of Business and Economics to take the course, but you will have to contend with readings and exercises that cover themes such as Innovation, Trade and Competition: all very exciting ways to build one’s vocabulary.

Course highlights include:

  • Interviews with academics
  • Lectures on writing an awesome thesis
  • Insights into contemporary aspects of Business and Economics

As for your initial competence, as this is an advanced course, you need to have attained, at the very least, a B2 on the global scale of the Common European Framework.  You can check your level via this British Council test.

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