Events, studyFIT

Small talk from mid-May: studyFIT opens virtual rooms for practising English

Our English for Specific Purposes courses are still in development, along with an elaborate programme of guest speakers to lead our English Café discussions in the winter semester of 2022/23.

So, in the meantime we have launched a Zoom room where all students can join in daily conversation.  Starting on Monday 16 May, studyFIT will offer you a dedicated Zoom room in which to practise speaking English in an informal, student-led setting.  Join us on Mondays to Thursday at 17.00 to 18.00 in this Zoom room.


  1. Ngono Atangana Pauline

    Good day,

    My name is Pauline. I’m very happy to be part of this englich learning group. But unfortunely It’s very difficult to attend the small talk in the proposed hours due to my daily wokrload. Why don’t you organize some small talk in the morning so from 10 to 13 for those who are not available in the evening?

    Best regards Pauline

    • Comment by post author

      Prue Goredema

      Hi Pauline,
      Thanks for getting in touch. At present, such optional events have to be held in the early evening, as that is when most people are available. However, as more and more students sign up for ELS, we may find that your request is not unique, in which case we could look at adding slots at other times of the day. watch this space!

  2. Sandra Wolff

    I would be happy to take part in a small talk group in the morning. I’m a mother of three kids, so late afternoon is my personal rush hour.
    I’ll look here from time to time.
    Best regards,

    • Comment by post author

      Prue Goredema

      Thanks for getting in touch, Sandra. You’re the second person to let us know that evenings don’t work for you. In order to make our English Cafe conversations more effective, we have set in motion a plan to have assistants to coordinate the daily activities and to make sure there’s something worthwhile happening whenever people log in. From August onwards the 17.00 meetings will be moderated daily. We will also try to arrange sessions for earlier in the day once we have a clear target group. Thank-you for supporting our efforts!

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